The domain name needs to be registered - rented from a domain registrar for a certain period. The minimum registration period for all domain zones is 1 year, and the maximum period depends on the zone. For example, for the .ru zone, the registration period is 1 year, for .UZ - up to 10 years. After the registration period ends, the domain must be renewed so that you remain the owner of the domain and your site continues to work.
Only users with the Account Owner and Account Administrator roles can add a domain.
Before you start using the service, complete the registration and replenish the balance. You can add any number of domains.
Delegate the domain - transfer control of the domain to the Airnet DNS servers.
DNS servers will store information about which IP address the domain corresponds to. All requests to the domain will come to them. Read more about the operation of DNS servers in the blog article What is a DNS server - we explain in simple words.
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