General information about DNS hosting | Airnet

General information about DNS hosting


With DNS hosting, you can host domains, resource records, and reverse records (PTR records) on Airnet's authoritative NS servers.

The product supports user types and roles.

You can work with domains and records:

  • in the control panel;
  • via the Domains API;

Airnet DNS Infrastructure

Parts of the Airnet DNS infrastructure:

  • API server to which requests are made;
  • a database cluster that stores information about domains and records;
  • several NS servers. Each server hosts a local copy of the database and runs an NS service that responds to queries.

For stable operation, Anycast balancing of NS server addresses is used within each data center and between data centers. This makes it possible to ensure the service's operability even in the event of a failure of several servers - work will continue as long as at least one server is working.

Public IP addresses of Airnet's authoritative NS servers (, are DDoS-protected by DNS Firewall.


The service is provided free of charge in addition to other paid products or services. Before using the service, complete the registration and replenish the balance. You can host any number of your domains and records.


DNS Airnet cannot currently be used as a Secondary DNS - we plan to add this feature in the future.

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