Free UZ domain, get free UZ domain | Hosting TAS-IX in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Free domain in UZ zone

Company "AIRNET" is official domain registrar in UZ zone

Enter the name of the domain name and click on the "Check&quot button

Domain zoneRegistrations with hostingWith hostingNo HostingRedemption periodBuy
.UZ17 000 UZS*Free*20 000 sum*40 000 UZS**Buy

By ordering a hosting or VDS/VPS service from us, you can also buy or transfer your domain to our site. Free domains for the promotion deactivated DNS change service for 3 months.

* When registering hosting with a domain

** Redemption period - The domain receives this status after 7 working days have elapsed after the end registration period. The domain is transferred to the Administration of the UZ domain, while within 30 calendar days the previous owner can reclaim the domain.

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